Kubeval Online

Posted 5 Jan 2018

Validate Kubernetes (k8s) yaml files online.

This project was inspired by and based on garethr’s kubeval. After attending his talk at Kubecon in December 2017 I put this together to make use of kubeval to perform validations by pasting into a web interface. Garethr’s kubeval already has a nice CLI you can use as part of a CI/CD system, and kubevalonline supplements this tool for use during the development process.

Given a kubernetes configuration file with an invalid value such as:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: redis-master
    app: redis
    tier: backend
    role: master
    # the port that this service should serve on
  - port: sds
    targetPort: 6379
    app: redis
    tier: backend
    role: master

kubeval recognizes that port values should be integer type and not string type then responds with an error:

  "Results": [
      "Kind": "Service",
      "Success": false,
      "Errors": [
        "Invalid type. Expected: integer, given: string"

kubectl run provides a --dry-run flag which can also be used to partially verify that a declaration is valid, but kubeval provides additional information that is valuable when debugging. A handy tool for the kubernaut!

The source code is hosted on github. The image can be pulled from dockerhub.

Travis CI and coveralls handle the build and code coverage. Build Status Coverage Status